The second most powerful MaxxECU, what we use in our LS-Swapped 135i with an 8HP transmission, and what we recommend for most serious 6 and 8 cylinder builds looking to push the limits.
Extremely versatile engine control system for powerful engines with up to 8 sequential cylinders. Faster and easier tuning with built-in wideband lambda and a built-in 3bar MAP-sensor. Get into serious tuning with advanced functions such as built-in E-throttle, 8 EGT, knock sensor inputs and superfast Cortex M3 CPU
Tune to perfection. Includes our easy-to-use [MTune] software for intuitive tuning, and real-time monitoring / control with our wireless [MDash] Android app
Tune remotely using bluetooth and experience super defined data with ignition relostion of .1 degrees, and .001ms resolution of injector triggers. Fuel and ignition calculations are made 2000 times per second using the powerful Maxx processor!
Product Options:
- MaxxECU Race - ECU only with no accessories.
- MaxxECU Race Bundle - Add on all available unterminated harnesses, accessory kit, and a LSU 4.2 wideband sensor
Target engines of MaxxECU RACE
- All 1-12 cylinder engines (4-stroke)
- Up to 8 cylinders fully sequentially
- Up to 12 cylinders in wasted spark
MaxxECU RACE inputs
- Intake air temperature sensor (IAT)
- Coolant temperatur